Friday, March 11, 2011

Frankenstein Sympathy For Monster Or Victor

another in a series of illustrations for feature articles written from Japan by Joanna Bator magazine Ivy. the text bears the title LAS suicide.

Aokigahara, or Sea of \u200b\u200bTrees at the foot of Mount Fuji, this is different from other places, they chose a suicide, that is not done nothing else Aokigahara (...) in terms of popularity is second only to Golden Gate place for killing. Some of them hang up, others are taking poison, undercut my wrists. Some people build makeshift shelters, and before they curl up into a ball waiting for the dream you do not wake up. After they are personal things, decayed leather handbags, shoes, combs, hair clips and other plastic trinkets that long after the body will decompose, still there will be. Every year, forest services are finding dozens of bodies. It is not known how many remain in the forest forever (...)


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